Primera publicación
Me han aceptado un mini-paper! Yo quería presentarlo como paper pero mi tutora dijo que mi nivel de inglés era insuficiente y que empezara con un poster (mini-paper de dos caras). Evidentemente en dos caras no puedes poner mucho y los revisores me han criticado eso:
What is the weakness of the paper? (1-3 sentences)
What is the weakness of the paper? (1-3 sentences)
- The idea is not developed sufficiently. The paper only describes the seed of the concept and leaves the rest to future work. The simulations are not thorough enough.
- This short paper is basically an extended abstract. We would like to see more algorithmic analytical and experimental details. I realize that a 2 page paper can't capture these. What are the issues that will come up with respect to a physical implementation?
- The paper is so brief. I wonder why you did not use the eight page limit allocated to all papers. This would have made the paper much stronger.
- The protocol is simple, clean and has nice properties
- A novel or new contribution to this area with good methodology, or an incremental contribution paper that has excellent methodology. A must read for anyone in the area.
- Interesting idea that could be developed into a usable protocol for underwater networks